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Monday, January 30, 2006

Stop the UN from saving us from ourselves

UN unveils $7 trillion plan to save us
This article talks about the UN spending all this money to save us from our selves. The article is covered in the ideas to end national sovereignty. It actually says,
The price (to fix the global health/ environment)? An admission that the nation-state is an old-fashioned concept that has no role to play in a modern globalised world where financial markets have to be harnessed rather than simply condemned.
How would this be freedom and democracy if we have to give up sovereignty to the UN?

Look at all the UN's plans for the world here.
  • disarm civilians all over the world (even the US)
  • The Earth Charter- One world religion
  • world depopulation (the UN supports China's one child policies)
    • many global elite including England's Prince Philip have spoken to wanting a world population of 500,000
  • Global taxation, even the US (gas tax, internet tax, airfare tax: looks like we will be told we need to do this if the UN wants to spend $7 trillion)
  • population moved out of the country side and moved to the cities in order to protect the environment (UNESCO- which the US is already part of gives control of national parks to the UN)
  • Agenda 21
  • take over of world's armies
  • educating our children that global government is the only thing to save us
This is very important! This is the NWO! Why does the UN want to control all countries? There has not been a year of peace since the UN formed. It was supposed to be a debaters forum, but it has become a world government that passes laws and resolutions like our Congress is only supposed to have the power to do. We are losing our rights. We are going to be taxed by the Un and all other nations of the world. Our laws are being influenced and decided by people from not only different countries, but different continents. We fought a revolution once to stop a foreign government. George Washington warned us not to get involved with Europe's problems because we would be dragged into them. We have, but now we are told it is for our own good.

It is time to stand up! We need to


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