Homeland Security Want RFID People & Vehicle TrackingThe U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is looking for beefed up RFID technology that can read government-issued documents from up to 25 feet away, pinpoint pedestrians on street corners, and glean the identity of people whizzing by in cars at 55 miles per hour.
Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is a controversial technology that uses tiny microchips to track items from a distance. These RFID microchips have earned the nickname "spychips" because each contains a unique identification number, like a Social Security number for things, that can be read silently and invisibly by radio waves. Privacy and civil liberties advocates are opposed to the use of the technology on consumer items and government documents because it can be used to track people without their knowledge or consent.
George Orwell is telling us,"I told you so!", from beyond the grave".
1984 here we come! Big Brother is here and he is looking for your number. Resist the control grid. We all should reject devices like these chips and ez pass toll road passes. That is only the beginning. Oh and don't worry if you think the signals are too weak in these devices, then you should know that cell phones and their towers all can be used to amplify any signal from a device like this.
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