Big Brother is watching

MTA Considers Using London's Surveillance System
Baltimore, Md. Maryland's Mass Transit Administration (MTA) has found a new way to beef up security against terrorist attacks. Next week, MTA officials and the MTA Police force will head to London to evaluate a new security surveillance system called Closed Circuit TV (CCTV). London police used CCTV to identify the suspects in last year's subway bombings.This would make it where you could not take a step onto a street without being recorded somehow. Lets not forget that there are cities already in the US that have cameras and microphones. Big Brother is watching.
The Panopticon: A Mass Surveillance Prison For Humanity
The Panopticon is defined as a prison so constructed that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times, without being seen. This is an accurate description of the accelerating movement by western governments to erect giant, powerful, all-pervading mass surveillance, tracking and control grids that will keep all populations firmly under the baleful and watchful gaze of Big BrotherRead the rest of this. There is alot of links and even more topics discussed. This is our future, and it is coming fast.
We are still debating the NSA listening to foreign calls from the US when the NSA admitted twenty years ago that they were listening to domestic US calls under the Echelon program. This is de-classified and public but the media acts like they don't know about it...
You can call your cell phone company, ask them where you are and they will tell you down to a few feet. That is a federal operation that's hooked into the NSA right at this moment and about to be hooked into every major police department and squad car...
Major cities such as Austin, Texas installed gunshot detection microphones. The government assured us that they respect our privacy but the very companies installing them bragged about how they can listen to a kid on the street talking to his friend two hundred yards away.
And now, from Rochester New York to Austin Texas to Chicago, the government has announced that they are being used as microphones and they will be used to listen to us...
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