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Thursday, March 02, 2006


Why Americans Know More About The Simpsons Than The Constitution
More Americans can name Simpsons characters than they can the freedoms that the 1st Amendment upholds. This is a benchmark of how much danger the country is in and the blame can be laid with public education.

Only one in a thousand Americans can name all five first amendment freedoms. The BBC reports, "The names of American Idol TV show judges and popular advertising slogans also proved more memorable than the five freedoms - speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for redress of grievances."

This kind of poll gives aid and comfort to the enemy. The Globalists read this kind of thing and it only enhances their myopic zeal to dominate and enslave us for our own good. They have brainwashed themselves using Straussian theology to believe that they have a divine right to subjugate and rule stupid people for the good of the planet.

From the very foundation of the public school system the elite made their plans clear. The goal was to psychologically mould people to create mindless drones and bricks in the wall of the system, via learning monotonously by rote and the day being divided up by pavlovian bells.

In his 1905 dissertation for Columbia Teachers College, Elwood Cubberly—the future Dean of Education at Stanford—wrote that schools should be factories "in which raw products, children, are to be shaped and formed into finished products...manufactured like nails, and the specifications for manufacturing will come from government and industry."
Here is a little bit of an insight into the education of our country. This only speaks to who we are. Do we have no more priorities in this country. People have fought and died to earn an education. Men and women were lynched for trying to get an education. Why is it so hard to emphasize the fact that we are no longer educated. Read this and understand that federal run education is just an attempt to control information. The people should be able to decide what information they get, and I am sure given freedom people would choose it all. We are being dumbed down purposely. That is the only way you won't believe what is really going on in government. Free yourself, educate yourself!


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