Illegal Immigration
Dear Senator,
This week the Senate is going to debate the new immigration bill that the House has already passed. I hope that you plan on taking the important steps to protect the American workers against the illegal immigrants who flood our labor pool with cheap labor. Illegal immigration may be benificial to some industries, but the government of this country has been charged with the duty to protect the American citixens and the American worker. An inflated labor pool will only lower the demand of workers and also the salaries and wages that are paid out as well. Stop this illegal immigration and give the advantage back to the American worker. Also, do not be fooled by a guest worker program. This will inflate the labor pool as well. Stand up for the American citizens, the American worker, and all those immigrants who have had the respect for our nation to come to our great country through the legal channels that exist to protect the American worker while also inviting the world to take part in the American dream. Remember it is the citizens of this country that vote and have the final say, not illegals. Thank you and please protect the American citizens.
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