More Halliburton News
We all know Halliburton from their no-bid contracts to rebuild Iraq. Then you should also know of the millions and millions that are lost by this company in their operations in Iraq. I previously wrote about Halliburton's new contract to build detention centers. You should read this article for a round up of the implications of privatized detention centers, and what they will be used for. This is serious. Is concentration camps the future of America?
Halliburton Detention Camps For Political Subversives
Also check out an old story that connects Halliburton to international sex trade. They have employed lobbyists trying to make the Congress to leave their sex trade alone. Not in this article but there has been talk for years about UN connections to this sex trade. Why in the home of the free do we have our own companies lobbying for legal international slavery. Stand up and fight before we are all enslaved by this massive machine that is rolling over us called the NWO. End this now together we can. What does it matter if we hang together when we will hang separately for sure.
Dyncorp and Halliburton Sex Slave Scandal Won't Go Away
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