Wenesday, February 8

New Evidence Suggests Muslim Riots Are Staged Psyop
Think about it. Who would benefit from provoking Muslims to look violent and angry all over the world?
Bilderberg Connection To Muslim Riots
Some companies helped the NSA, but which?
Take a closer look at the situation. Believe which ever companies you want, but it gives you an idea of what the scope of this may be.
Homeland Security seizing medications from elderly, former Customs official reports
Why does Homeland Security need to protect the interests of the American pharmaceutical companies that drug us, poison us, and kill us.

Rumsfeld says military force an option against Iran
Senator Frist says military action a possibility against Iran
Bush/Blair War Provocation Memo Sends Warning To Iran
Russian MP Says US To Attack Iran Late March

A war against Iran, as indicated by war games
Iran Incapable of Building Nuclear Bomb × Russian Expert
Soldier pays for armor: Army demanded $700 from city man who was wounded
Where are our priorities? Support who?
Another armed incursion on U.S.-Mexico border
'It is disgraceful that American citizens live under the threat of a foreign army'
If The United States keep over extending ourselves while having an open border to the south we could have many problems. What if our oppressed brothers to the south finally get sick of US control over Central and South American economies and policies. Some are tired of just sitting back.
Personal Plea
How many countries will the world allow us to take over. Will it take the annexation of Austria to convince us. I am amazed that we have forgotten the lessons of World War II. We all need to wake up immediately. Get involved, teach someone the truth tomorrow. The message must get out. Stop kidding ourselves. Football is over now (theColesium is closed for the season) the mob must reinvest their attention to matters of actual importance. At one time men got worked up into patriotic fervor, willing to fight for freedom. Now, our men waste their energy on "the games" (Julius Caesar was a smart man, he knew about manipulating the mob with the games). It is time to stand up and demand our liberties back like a drunk Giants fan on a Sunday afternoon demanding retribution for a bad call. If we don't do this soon they may end dissent and free thought before we even realize it. Tick, tock, runs down the clock............
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